Vol. 42 (2) - 2023
Sarr R., Ba M. & Diallo T. D. - Lithologie, biostratigraphie, paléoenvironnement et ostracodes de l’Eocène inférieur de la falaise de Ngazobil (Sénégal)
Mazouzi A., Cherif A., Naimi M. N., Mahboubi C. Y. & Ziouzit K. - Etude lithostratigraphique et sédimentologique du Jurassique supérieur des monts de Chellala (domaine pré-Atlasique, NW Algérie)
Néraudeau D. - Algal megafossil Chuaria from the Brioverian (Ediacaran - Fortunian) of Britanny, NW France
Aouissi R., Salmi-Laouar S. & Martinez S. - First record of Myoconcha (Kalenteroidea, Bivalvia) in the Cenomanian of Northeastern Algeria and North Africa
Parent H., Garrido A. C. & Alberti M. - Middle Jurassic ammonites of the Los Molles, Lajas and Lotena Formations in Vega de la Veranada, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
Naimi M. N., Cherif A., Benyoucef M. & Mahboubi C. Y. - New dinosaur footprints from the ‘mid’-Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian) series of the Ouled Nail Mounts (Algeria)
Hostettler B., Bernasconi G., Erzberger W., Hostettler R., Mühlebach M. & Menkveld-Gfeller U. - Die Cidaroiden (Echinoidea, Echinodermata) des mittleren Juras (frühes Aalénien bis frühes Bathonien) des Nordwestschweizer Jura und angrenzender Gebiete
Van der Made J. - The morphology of the upper molar roots does not provide evidence that Palaeochoerus typus belongs to the Suidae - relevance for the origin of the Suidae and the classification of the Suoidea
Zidan A. M., Tantawy A., El Soughier M. I. & Aly M. - Lower Turonian inoceramid bivalve of the genus Mytiloides Brongniart, 1822 from Maghra El Hadida Formation, north Eastern Desert, Egypt